Metals Made New

Breakthrough Clean Technology For Metals Recycling & Recovery

Executive Summary

Descycle was founded in 2018 with the sole mission of commercialising a revolutionary new class of chemistry, developed by the University of Leicester, Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES).

DES have a very broad scope of potential applications across multiple industries and Descycle is focused on developing processes that will; have the highest environmental impact, that address the UN’s sustainable development goals, & have sufficient economic development scaling potential to generate over U$1 billion revenue per annum.

Descycle is guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals to develop novel & low-impact metals processing technologies underpinned by our revolutionary chemistry

Our solutions will:

  • Eliminate or drastically lower CO2 emissions

  • Remove the need for highly toxic chemicals

  • Replace energy-intensive smelters

  • Recycle metals more efficiently with minimal environmental impact


E-waste is the world's fastest growing waste stream, with US$59bn produced in 2020.

The way in which we produce, consume, and dispose of e-waste is unsustainable.

The Descycle process has been developed as a disruptive & clean alternative to current high-impact & capital intensive recycling methods. 

Battery & Critical Metals

Descycle is developing applications for the mining sector focusing on battery and critical metals linked to electrification and EV's


  • Nickel Laterites - battery grade nickel 

  • Gold - replacing cyanide & other toxic solvents

  • Copper & Base Metals - water-free processing

  • Rare Earth Elements - simplify complex processing

deal highlights

  • Capital raise

  • Business Partner Selection

  • Joint ventures

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